Thursday, May 13, 2010

Still Waiting

Sensing a theme of things?? We most definitely are. We still haven't received our completed homestudy. It should be any day now. We know it's all in God's timing so we are leaning on that. Our final profile books should be here tomorrow. I'm hoping to get our homestudy tomorrow because then I will be off to the post office to get everything mailed to our agency. We will be ready for this phase of the process to be done. I'm sure waiting for a call is going to be difficult in a different way. We have 4 blessings to keep us busy so I hope the waiting time goes fast! We have quite a few things in place to be ready for a baby again. If I'm honest, I will say it's a lot of work but oh so much fun too! Who can't get excited about welcoming a new family member? We know this will be life changing for us. I can't imagine adoption not changing someone. We know God is going to use this to do His work & change those around us too. We know this is the path that God is leading us down & at times feel so unequipped to do this. We don't know why He chose us to go down this road but we agreed to follow His calling & we know He will provide us with the strength do deal with all the ups & downs we will experience.


  1. praying everything arrives tomorrow!! if so we will be at the exact same place in this journey! i cant wait to see how Gods plan plays out for both of us :)

  2. oh how exciting! you'll be there soon! We just found out last night we got approved and are officially now on the waiting list! We are SO excited!

  3. Yay April! You will be getting that phone call before you know it!
