Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Feeling Out of the Ordinary

I don't know if I can put my finger on why I feel this way alot lately. I've known for a long time that adopting transracially will make us different but it goes way deeper than just that. I've known that God would use this journey to mold & shape us for His glory but I couldn't imagine how much I see things differently now. I had always thought that I had a fairly compassionate heart but I now know that I wasn't even close! God is breaking my heart for what breaks His & I know there is no going back to being the same person that I was. There are so many people hurting in this world plagued by sin & there is so little that I've done to help those who are. I've heard the quote "I'd like to ask God why He allows such pain & hurting to those less fortunate but I'm afraid He might ask me the same thing"! Ouch! Reality check for my soul! What this means to me is that I can keep living my life the way we always have been or take a long look at what we can change to allow ourselves to help even more. This life isn't about us. It never has been. Never will be. We know Who it is about. But it certainly is not about me!

1 comment:

  1. Adopting children with a different skin color has affected our lives and changed us in sooo many ways I couldn't possibly count them. BUT I can tell you they are ALL AMAZING!!! So glad He has allowed us to change and be changed.
