Thursday, March 17, 2011

Not Forgotten

I know posting on the blog has gotten a little sparse for me but it's all for good reasons. I've been busy trying to get things in order as much as possible for us to leave tonight!! We will be traveling over a couple of days so that Brian can work & make sales calls on our way there. This will allow him to take less vacation time & we can also use mileage to help with the expenses of the trip.  We will have a conference call tonight with Miss A before we leave. We haven't talked with her since last week & we haven't heard any updates again. We just keep praying for her & hope that she is doing well. I am so excited to finally meet her! Brian & I both think she is really sweet & we can't wait to spend some time with her & get to know her. Both us & Miss A are hoping for a fairly open adoption & I can't tell you how thrilled we are for this. I know some situations aren't possible for this option but in this case, it seems like it will be headed in that direction. When we started on this journey, we had no idea what kind of openess we would do but we kept an open mind about it. I am so glad we did & we can't wait to see what this relationship with her becomes. Hope to keep you updated in the days to come!

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