Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Charlie Jace Asanti Gulker!!!

1 Year ago, our lives were blessed by your entrance into this world, Charlie Jace!! I can remember almost every detail of that day like it was yesterday. I remember sitting anxiously in the hospital lobby by the water fountain, waiting for any kind of news. Our caseworker, Michelle, showed up & said we could go up. She then got a text & gave us the news that you were born!! You weighed 6 lbs 7 oz & were 18.5 inches long! I couldn't even imagine how tiny you were! We followed Michelle up the steps & started zigzagging through the hallways. We had no idea where we were & then we turned the corner. I'm sure time stopped for me for a few moments & then things moved in slow motion until we were right by your side. You were in the bassinet right next to the window & we just fell in love instantly! I wanted to scoop you up & hold you forever! We got to stay in the nursery for a while & got to feed you your first bottle. Your daddy tried to tell me not to get attached but I knew at that moment, I was looking at my son & the love was instant. We tried the many different names we had talked about & you were a Charlie right from the beginning. We marveled at how God had formed you so perfectly & we were amazed how wonderful His ways are! He knit you together in your first momma's womb because you, Charlie Jace, are fearfully & wonderfully made! He set you in our family & we couldn't feel more blessed to be your parents!


  1. I hope Charlie (and your family) had fun celebrating this milestone!! -Lynn W.

  2. He is sweet. I just can't eget enough for those first pictures... I am so glad he is a Gulker. Happy Birthday Charlie!
