Monday, July 12, 2010

Still Here

Yes, we are still here. It's hard to update all the time when there really is nothing new to report. We still haven't heard anymore on the possible situation from 1 of our agencies. It's hard to be patient & wait with no answers at all but I've been dealing with it okay. I've already seen some blessings in not getting a phone call yet. Jackson is now potty trained, except for at night. He's also becoming more attached to his daddy, which is a great thing since he's been such a mama's boy. He still prefers me but it's nice to see him want to go with Brian to do the "boy" thing. This will help a great deal when the baby comes. We've also had more time to apply for grants & do some fundraising. Patience is something I'm not great at but when I can see a blessing in the waiting time, it makes it easier to do. I'm sure to have my moments of not being able to stand it anymore but that's to be expected. Take joy in the little things.


  1. Hope you can get some grants to help! Our grant surely did help us!

  2. Thanks April! We sure do too! Your little guy is just adorable & makes me so excited to have our little one in our arms!
