Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I can feel discouragement starting to creep in. It's hard to not let it happen. I know we've always said that everything is in God's timing but sometimes it's way easier to say than to actually believe. I also know that there are lots of people who have been waiting a lot longer than we have for their children to come home. We been busy enough for the most part so I don't have too much time to dwell on it but when I do get a chance to let my mind wander, watch out! It's also a control thing. There is nothing that we can do at this point to speed things up or make a birth family choose us. We just have to trust that God knows our child will be & that it will be perfect in His time.

We have been accepted by Mother Goose Adoptions out of Arizona. They work in all states except 1 & they have been great so far. We are having some problems though with the FBI clearances that we received. We questioned that paper that we received earlier from the state since it was so unoffical looking & Mother Goose is worried that the piece of paper we received will not be accepted by some states. We really would hate for a situation to fall through b/c of a piece of paper that wasn't good enough. I know it happens but we are working on clearing it up before it becomes a problem. The other issue is that things in the adoption world keep getting more expensive. We are now looking at even more money to complete this adoption. I have to say that the money part is getting to me. When we started this process, we knew we didn't have the money it took to get through this. I absolutely hate that part of a reason we were so hesitant was because of money because that should not be the reason. The fact is adoption costs money. We understand why it costs what it does. There are steps that need to be taken to protect birth families & adoptive families. We all know that there are corrupt people out there that will see the money that could be made in adoption & will take advantage of that. We just have to accept the fact that it costs what it does & trust that God will help provide.

Even though we know that God provides, we know we also have the ability to work to raise this kind of money. So, we really do need everyone's help to bring this child home. We have been so lucky to have so many already help us raise the money needed to keep things going. We are so blessed! We are still hosting our suppers in our home & several dates that would work. If anyone would like to book a supper & help us out for our adoption fund, we would really appreciate it. We have several menu options to choose from & to be honest, both Brian & I love to do it. We couldn't think of a more fun way for us to raise funds for our adoption & get to serve those who are helping us out. We can host up to 12 people in our home or we can cater to another location. If you are intersted, you can call us or email us at bgulker@mtcnet.net. Also, please keep us in your prayers as continue to wait on Him.

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