Thursday, February 3, 2011


I guess the fact that I'm frustrated comes as no surprise to many of you. It's been 2 months & absolutely nothing is happening. We've had a couple of situations that we were told about with other agencies that we just can't afford because we would have to walk away from money with our current agency. It's been hard to weigh the possibility & wonder if we should just take the leap of faith & hope that the money is there somehow or if we just sit back wait for something to come up with our agency. So far we have had to decline to be smart financially but then I start to doubt myself in the fact that we aren't really following this journey by total faith. So yes, we've been struggling quite a bit right now about where we are at with this whole process. Next month we have to start looking at updating our homestudy & fingerprints. I never thought that we would get to this point & to be honest it makes me upset. Having to do all that costs more money. I guess we should be used to that by now but we are getting sick of it.

Just pray that this part of our journey is over soon. It is exhausting & we are feeling depleted of our strength to keep going on this roller coaster. I know there are many adoptive families going through similar uncertain waiting so if you keep them in your prayers, that would be great!