Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chaotic Week

What a crazy week it's been here! I wasn't really expecting this week to be this way but that's usually when life starts to get nuts. We've had VBS at our church at night from 5-8 & we've all spent time helping out 1 way or another. Brian has been gone for work & will be home today. YAY! I ended up working a little extra because of someone who had a sick child. My house is in need of serious cleaning so we've been working on that.  Alexa decided to paint her bathroom & I'm trying not to interfere since this was her idea. We had to register Alexa for school. Yikes! Can't believe that's right around the corner again. In some ways I'm ready for it to start again & in other ways not. Having her be able to drive herself to/from school activities has been a huge help. She starts her volleyball camps tomorrow & has camps & tryouts til school starts. We are getting ready to go on our church camping trip to Yankton next week. I am coming back to get Alexa from camp & working a little in the middle of the week else we will be relaxing the rest of the time. Well, I guess as relaxing camping is with 4 kids.

We did receive an email from our caseworker that we are now in the #1 spot for a stork drop. This is when the birthmom has already had the baby & just wants the agency to choose the adoptive parents based on who's waited longest. I'm not sure how often this happens but she gave us some things to have prepared in case of needing to travel quickly. Just please keep praying for our future birthmother & our son. We have no idea what her situation is like & what she is going through right now but we know that God does.


  1. SOOO exciting! Can't wait for you to get that call!

  2. oh how exciting! That happened to us...we weren't on the stork list per say but the birthmom didn't choose an agency until she had him so it was a last minute 24 hour type notice and she picked us and within two days we were bringing him home! thankfully just the week prior we had gotten the nursery done! :0)

  3. how exciting! you were just number 2 a week or so ago...sounds like things could happen pretty quickly!! praying for you!!
