Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why are We Doing This?

We've had several questions lately on why we are adopting and why we are most likely adopting an African American child. We actually love answering these questions & it gives us a chance to let people know the reality of the situation out there. The numbers break my heart. In fact, it makes my blood boil. African American women are 3 times as likely to abort an unwanted pregnancy & every 2 out of 5 pregnancies do end in abortion. 32% of abortions that are done in the US are for African Amercian women & that number is steadily climbing. The reason it is climbing is that Planned Parenthood has launched an effort to strategically place their abortion clinics in areas that are populated with at least 80-85% African Amercian or Hispanic people. There is no coincidence of the placing of these clinics. 1 of Planned Parenthood's former directors has stated that their main goal is to make money & the only way for them to do so is to perform more abortions. I know there may be some of you who disagree with our stance on abortion & who argue about the need for abortion when there is rape, incest, or for the health of the mother. Those abortions make up for less than 2% of all abortions performed. The rest of the reasons were for personal choice.

Brian & I are both pro-life. We believe that life itself is God's & for no human being to chose when it starts or when it ends. With that stance we also have a huge issue with these potential birthmoms making the sacrifice to give these precious children life & then when it comes to making an adoption plan, there are not enough or no adoptive parents willing to accept their child based on their race. It breaks my heart what these potential birthmoms have gone through & feel when this happens. The child they are carrying is precious in God's sight & he/she deserves a loving family to care for them if this birthmom is not able to do so.I couldn't have imagined what I would have thought if I had chosen adoption when I was in a less than ideal situation when pregnant at 17 & there was no one that interested in my child. We know that there is waiting that has to be done in adoption & so people think that when they have to wait, there really is not a need. That is not true. The numbers themselves don't lie.

Our stance on choosing the route we did is that when we profess to be pro-life & encourage these moms to choose life for their children, we had better put our word into actions & welcome these children of God into our homes.

"Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me." Mark 9:37

1 comment:

  1. love love love this! I did not know some of those numbers! Thanks so much for posting this! Feel the same way! :0)
