Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Officially Waiting

We are now on the list to be shown to birth families! I can honestly say that it is exciting but also now the really hard part begins. We have no idea (guess we never did) on any sort of timing & how long this part will take. Estimated time frames mean absolutely nothing at this point. We will just have to be patient & wait on God's timing. God already knows our son. He knows who he will be & when he will come to our family. He knows the whole journey that we will have to take for him to be with us. He also knows our son's birth mom & dad. He knows what they've been through & what will bring them into the agency to make the biggest sacrifice of their lives. No words can ever be put on any blog or any paper to convey what type of emotions that brings up. None. We can only continue to pray for them & what they are going through at this time. I know so many of you have but we continue to ask for prayers. We feel them. We really do. Nothing can be more powerful at this point!

1 comment:

  1. how exciting! you are at the same part of the journey as us! We feel the same way..it's almost like it wont fully hit us that we are on the list until we get the call probably! It's so crazy how it could be any day or be months! God knows the exact day though and that's all that matters!
