Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where to Begin

Not knowing how to begin has been my problem with getting our experience down in words. I want to have this down so that someday we can look back & remember this all down the road. We also think it's important for Charlie. I might break this up into a couple of different posts because let's face it, my time is a little precious right now.

One of the first things that I have been fairly vague about is the fact that we actually went through a different agency with Charlie. Back in January, I was looking into a couple of different options with agencies because the agency we were with when we had our failed situation just didn't have any activity going on with potential birthmoms. After sending out some emails for information, we came across an agency that was looking for families for an 18 month old little boy in early February. Brian & I got our stuff together as soon as possible & sent it in to them. After a week, we found out that that situation was no longer available. I had talked with this agency in length about our financial situation & we just didn't think that we could afford to work with another agency because of what we had paid previously. We figured we had our information sent in to them already so we would just wait & see what happened. After a couple of weeks, we saw they had posted a situation that we thought might work for us & they sent us an email if we were interested. We were a little hesitant but after doing much praying & thinking, we knew we just had to let God take care of the details. We told them to present our profile & we knew that if this was supposed to happen, it would be very clear. On Wednesday, the agency sent this potential birthmom several profiles. She received them on Thursday morning. On Thursday afternoon, Brian, Alexa & I had to go have our fingerprints updated because they can take 6-8 weeks & they would expire the end of April. At 2:30, on our way to this appointment, we got the call that she had picked us!! I absolutely could NOT believe it! It floored me even more that she was due in less than 3 weeks!! I don't think reality set it right away. We waited anxiously to have our phone call with her so that we knew if we were going to move forward or not. We had this phone call scheduled twice & it didn't happen. We were getting nervous that something had changed. Finally on that following Tuesday night, Brian & I both got the chance to talk with Miss A. It was amazing & we couldn't believe how well the conversation went. We were so impressed with her & we were told the feelings were mutual. At that point, we were officially expecting again!

To be continued......

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