Friday, April 15, 2011

Where to Begin..Part 2

At this rate, it will take me several months to finish the whole story! ha! Just to have these dates down somewhere, we got the call on February 24 that Miss A chose our profile & on March 1, we finally got to talk with her on the phone. At this point, Brian & I were very conflicted on whether or not to make this news public. We had loved the support we got from everyone but I was so scared of our kids getting hurt again. I just wanted to protect them from it if I could.

The original due date Miss A was given in her home state was March 15. She arrived in Utah on March 5 & was set to see the doctor there on Monday, March 7. We were told to be prepared to leave on Monday just in case it was determined that they would start her the following day. Um, okay! So we knew at this point that there was no way that we could leave for days without telling the kids where we were. We waited as long as we could & finally told them on that previous Friday, March 4. On Monday, we were on pins & needles all day just waiting for the phone call about the doctor's appointment. And nothing! Finally at 6 in the evening, we get an email from our caseworker that the doctor moved her due date back to April 4 but they were going to do a scheduled c-section on March 21 since she had a previous c-section. Oh, and that the baby was healthy & a boy! I was disappointed for about 5 seconds that we weren't leaving that day & then pure joy overwhelmed me to know that everything looked good & that he was a boy! It was also nice just having a plan in place so that we could better prepare. We took 1 last weekend away with the kids to boys state basketball tournament. Late on Thursday evening, March 17, we started on our way to Salt Lake City. With Brian working his way through Nebraska, it did take us a bit longer but it did help with the financial aspect.

On Saturday, March 19, we arrived to our hotel around 5 pm.The views driving through the mountains were amazing & God's greatness was so evident! I don't think that reality was setting in at all that we were really there! We decided to check out where things were in SLC & went out to eat. We were tired from the travel so we decided to go to sleep early. Bad idea! I couldn't really sleep just thinking about getting to meet Miss A the next day. I tossed & turned all night! So the next day, we got ready & decided to try to keep busy until our meeting that night. Lucky for Brian, the largest sportmen's expo in the US was a few blocks from our hotel! Not my cup of tea but I knew Brian would like it. We were standing in line to get tickets & we were the recipients of a random act of kindness. Some guy just walked up to us & said he had 2 extra tickets, handed them to us & walked away. We both stood there stunned & said "Thank you!" as he walked away. After 2 hours, we had seen what there was to see & decided to go get the few things that figured out we forgot to pack. It was there that we got the phone call that Miss A was feeling horrible & did not want to meet with us that night. We understood but we were also so disappointed. If I didnt' say doubt was starting to creep in, I'd be lying. The fears of our past failed match were taking over & I had to do everything in my power to not let it take over me. I just had to remind myself over & over that God was in control & my worrying was not going to change the outcome! The plan was that we had to be at the hospital at 8:30 the following morning & our caseworker would meet us there. So that night, I was smarter & took some Tylenol PM & went to sleep, knowing that the next day was a day that would change our lives forever. Nothing at that point could have prepared us for what the next few days would bring!

To be continued...again!


  1. I'm enjoying reading your's son's adoption's story. Do you mind sharing which adoption agency that helped you in bringing your son home? We would love to adopt again, and praying, searching, and praying some more for the right adoption agency for our family. thanks

  2. Love hearing the story! Can't wait to hear more :)

  3. You know how to get us to come back! :) All the suspense!
