Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Feeling a Little Sheepish

When I made the comment in my previous post about the books making a magical appearance, I really didn't think it would happen! But I always say God still has a sense of humor! 1 of my lovely children, who will remain nameless.....     

....decided to be really helpful & take the package from the Fed-Ex guys & put it in the garage. So close to really being a help & if he had only taken a few more steps into the house, he would have gotten helper of the year award! I just love him & his face was priceless when he found out I was really wanting that package! Oh well, we had a good little laugh & I can now send a nice little apology to Snapfish for the email I sent informing them of their not so great 2-day shipping! Oops! I guess sometimes we just have to eat a little humble pie! I'm sure other adoptive moms can relate to the whole waiting on USPS, Fed-Ex, or UPS & not being very patient. Yep! It's a downfall of mine! Glad that God can send these little reminders to still wait on Him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! what a precious boy! i would have reacted the very same way
