Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Should Know By Thursday

We received an email from our potential 2nd agency that we should have a welcome email on Thursday if our package arrives today, like it should, but we all know how that can go. We are excited to see what God has in store for us. We have been told that things can move fairly quickly but also know that we could still wait for a while. We have definitely been staying busy, which I have appreciated very much!

We spent this past weekend at Lake Shatek with Brian's sister Chellie & her husband Tim. It was not quite as smooth of a weekend as we had pictured but we still had a great time. Emma & Jackson came down with fevers within a few hours of being there. We had a hard time getting their fevers to come down & since Emma is allergic to ibuprofen, we didn't have many options. A long night of sleep & Tylenol did the trick for her after all. Jackson on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. His stomach must not have liked the medicine we gave him since he ended up throwing up all over the bed late that night. He had a pretty nasty fever off & on all night but seemed better the next day so we decided to stay. Later that day, his fever spiked again. After some more ibuprofen, he went to bed. Yep, you guessed it! Threw up all over the bed again. Glad I had Brian there to help out though. It definitely was a 2 person job to get everything cleaned up & back to bed. Jackson did fine the rest of the night & was fine the next day & his fever has returned since. We also had interesting times with bad weather both nights. There were tornadoes all around the area & we had to keep a close eye on things since we really weren't anywhere truly safe. We ended up with some pretty high winds & lots of rain but nothing too severe, thank goodness! We did hear that my sister Amy had a tree fall on their house but they were on vacation. Luckily there wasn't too much damage since the chimney ended up breaking the fall of the tree. Glad that no one was hurt.

Jackson also decided this weekend that he was no longer going to wear diapers! He has done so well & only had a couple of accidents in the #2 catagory. But we are getting there & I can't believe he flipped the switch so quickly when we've tried several times for him to potty train. You'd think after doing this 4 times, I'd be a pro at it but I have alway said how I have 4 completely different children & nothing works the same with all of the them. I'm just glad that we will most likely not have 2 in diapers anytime soon!

Here's a few pics from this weekend! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Love it . . . looks like you had a great time spending time with Tim and Chellie!!
