Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Just keep swimming....Just keep swimming

I don't know why that phrase keeps popping into my head but I think I've said it my head several times a day lately! I quote kids' movies all the time so it should be no suprise when this phrase from "Finding Nemo" keeps coming up. We are definitely in "any day now" mode & the butterflies are working overtime. I have to say that I've felt a calm with my anxiety & just have excitement at this point. I've accepted the fact that we are on a roller coaster ride that we can't get off of & we just have to ride it to the end to see what is waiting for us. I'm just thankful that God is the One in control of that ride! We are busy packing & making preparations to be gone for unknown amount of time. Well, I guess if packing is considered as throwing stuff that we need to pack into a pile & dealing with it later then that's what I've been busy doing. I guess the reason that I haven't put anything into bags yet is because next week Brian is going to be closer to where we need to be & he will be putting some stuff in his car just in case we get the call to come. If that happens, I will be flying to the city that Miss A is in & will meet Brian there. I just want to minimize how many bags I have to take with me to fly. But we'll see how this all plays out & if Brian is home when we need to head out. At this point, we are supposed to get a call when Miss A goes into labor & we will try to make it out there as soon as possible. Of course, this is all just a plan & we know things can change quickly.

So just keep praying.......just keep praying!!!

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