Saturday, November 6, 2010

My Grace is Sufficient

I have been so blessed already with the Beth Moore Bible study. We are currently doing "A Woman's Heart-God's Dwelling Place". I just have to say, she is amazing! She has such a wonderful gift to be able to minister to people & you can tell she just loves to learn everything she can about the Bible! This past session, she talked about something that really hit home to me. She was telling the story of  when her girls were little & 1 of her friends had a little girl that died at the age of 4 from cancer. She talked about how awful she felt & how she thought over & over that she could never handle going through what her friend was going through. She said how she had told God that she also wouldn't be able to go through what her friend was facing. Her & her friend then talked about how she was handling the loss of her daughter with such composure & she said it was because of 1 thing. God's grace. His grace was poured out to her in her time of need & it was sufficient for her.

How often do we(including myself) tend to look at different situations & think "There is no way I could handle that or I could never do that!"? How often do we let our fear overtake what we know God is capable of doing for us? We know that there will be pain our lives. It's inevitable in this life. But how many times do we make excuses for not listening to God because we fear where He will bring us? Do we really believe that He won't pour on us an extra dose of His grace to carry us through whatever it is that we are going through?

I can honestly say that I have faced my worst fear & probably most of any parents worst fear. I look back on that time in my life & the time since then that God dumped as much grace on us as we needed at that time. No way could I have survived that amount of pain & anguish without it & use it to my benefit.  Knowing how God will provide that grace when needed gives me the courage to move on with life & continue to step out in faith whenever He does call. His grace is sufficient!

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