Sunday, December 5, 2010

3 Days Later

So how are we doing 3 days later? Well, we are still disappointed & wish things would be different but we have an amazing God who is with us. I have to be honest that I really didn't want to go to church this morning. It's just part of getting back into normal life & facing the fact that we really would rather still be in Chicago with our baby.

But God knew that we would be back home & needing to hear the sermon that was preached this morning. Pastor John preached on Hope this morning. We read the passage from Genesis 18, where the 3 men visited Abraham & Sarah & told them that Sarah would give birth to a son. I think Sarah did what we all probably would have done in her position & she laughed. Not funny, haha, but the laughter of pain. These past 3 days I have been Sarah. Wanting to have hope in God's promise but not really believing that it will come true & almost laughing in the midst of pain. We've said things like "We are trying to do a good thing. Why does this have to be so hard? Why did we have to be brought down this path?" But God's promise of hope is renewed in us as we remember the story of Abraham & Sarah this morning. I can about imagine Sarah's joy at holding Isaac for the first time & how sweet it was! I can imagine how she thought back to the "laugh" she made at God's promise & then realizing that our God is capable of anything!

So, as this week begins, we are ready to move forward on the journey to the child that God has picked out for us all along. Our Hope remains in God's promises for us!

Romans 12:12-"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

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