Sunday, October 9, 2011

All around us lately, it seems like so many people are either suffering from serious illnesses or dealing with the loss of a loved one. All too real it seems that many of these that are suffering or have been lost have been young. I'd be lying if I said this doesn't bring me back to my thinking of my son Dawson. Instantly, I have a lump in my throat & unfortunately, I know what some of the feelings & emotions these parents are having to live through. I've said it's a club that no one wants to be a part of.

Having been in a situation of grief, you learn quickly what it is like to share in someone's grief. We want to say or do the right thing so that we don't make it worse. Let me tell ya, no amount of right words will take away the sorrow someone feels who has just suffered the loss of a loved one. Some of the most meaningful moments that I remember is seeing 1 of my friends for the first time after we lost Dawson. She walked up to me, tried to start a sentence & then stopped. She instead wept & sobbed with me. There were no words & there was no need for them.

So as we begin this week, please take the time to remember those that are trying to figure out what life is going to be like without a son, grandson, daughter, granddaughter, husband, wife or friend. I'm sure everyday they want to wake up to realize it was just a bad dream but in fact they have to face the reality that their loved one is no longer there.

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