Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Day at a Time

We just keep inching ever so closely. Nothing much has really gone on. We still haven't had a chance to talk with Miss A again & we haven't gotten to set up a time to visit. We know she's talked with the caseworkers though so at least she is still in contact with them. We've just been filling out some paperwork & getting some details ready. In a couple weeks, we will have a few more things to get ready. So for right now, we just have to sit back & wait. Sounds familiar, huh?

I can honestly say that some fears & doubts have crept in from time to time that haven't let me fully believe that we will be taking this baby home. Nothing has happened to make me think otherwise but I hear all the stories of birth moms changing their minds & you start to wonder if that will be the case here. We know it's a real possibility but how do you get past that fear & build a trusting relationship with someone (that if you are honest) you don't trust? We have been praying for Miss A & this baby & we already have hopes & dreams for this to work out. We know that it may not end up that way. But as Brian & I have learned from going through the loss of our son, we aren't in control. We never were. We may not be able to fully trust Miss A yet because we don't know her but we do fully trust God so that just has to trump any fears & doubts that we have as humans. Trust in God will always take over for our mistrust in people. It has to. People in our lives will let us down but God never will. So I ask for your prayers to help me remain calm & to get rid of my tunnel vision during the remainder of this waiting period.


  1. May God carry you in HIS GRACE in your time of waiting.....and hoping.....and trusting in HIM!

  2. The days are going to fly by :)
